Uganda Spiritual Formation Centre Namugongo (USFCN)
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Sr. Agnes Nannyonjo – DM
Administrative Secretary, USFCN
Sr. Agnes Nannyonjo – DM from the Daughters of Mary – Bannabikira Bwanda Masaka Diocese
She works as an Administrative Secretary- Uganda Spiritual Formation Centre Namugongo. (USFCN)
She was born on 9th September 1993, in Lwebitakuli-Ssembabule District
Academic background.
Sat for:
Primary leaving Education in 2008 at Nankondo Bright Junior School Uganda Certificate of Education in 2012 at Nankondo Bright Secondary School Ssembabule District
National Certificate in Secretarial and Office Management in 2014 at
St. Charles Lwanga Butende Technical Institute (Masaka)
National Diploma in Secretarial and office Management in 2023 and awarded Certificates of Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB)

Sr. Evelyn Nabaasa – SMR
Bursar, USFCN
Sat for:
(i) Primary leaving Education in 1997 at Kisojo primary school
(ii) Uganda Certificate of Education in 2002 at Ave Maria secondary school (kyenjojo)
(iii)Uganda Advanced certificate of Education in 2010 at St.Therezas’Girls’ss Bwanda(Masaka)
(iv) Diploma in Accountancy course was completed in 2013 and was awarded a certificate of Diploma in accountancy by UGANDA MARTYRS UNIVERSITY.
- Uganda Spiritual Formation Centre- Namugongo (USFCN) was established by the Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU).
- The Centre has been in existence for the last 28 years i.e. since 1988. It started at Kisubi in the premises of the Brothers of Christian Instruction. USFCN was founded to bring awareness of God’s unconditional love to humanity through integral living.
- The aim of the course at its inception was also to provide Spiritual Renewal to the participants and to train them as Spiritual Directors and Retreat-givers, thus fostering Evangelization.
- As a result, a sizeable number of former and present Superior Generals, Regional Superiors, Councilors and Formators went through this Centre at the time.
- The Centre was later transferred to Namugongo in 2002. The Centre was now to focus on Spiritual Renewal in general and later in 2010, included the Formators’ Program.
- The Centre is about two kilometers away from the Uganda Martyrs National Shrine-Namugongo in the out skirts of Kampala City.
- And for the last 28 years, the Centre has provided a sacred space for Men and Women Religious and Priests who wish to renew and further their growth in spirit, mind and body. The Centre also trains and empowers persons called to work in Religious Formation Houses. They have in turn been sent as Spiritual leaders, Counselors and Formators to help and strengthen all God’s people whom they serve in Parishes, Institutions and Communities.
- The Centre admits Women and Men Religious and Priests from all over Africa and Missionaries from other world countries for a course of 9 months. The Centre currently runs two program concurrently namely;
- (i) Spiritual Renewal and (ii) Formators’ Program for nine months.
- The Centre also conducts a 30 days’ retreat as a crowning activity of the nine months’ program for the participants and for other people who apply to attend.
- The Centre has so far empowered, refreshed and offered conducive atmosphere for personal reflection to about 686 participants through the 9 month’s Program. These are Religious and Priests who come to the Centre in search of a place to be refreshed, renewed, pray, even seeking for someone to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Since 2010, the Centre has endeavored to offer preliminary skills to the formators to enable them work in Religious Formation Houses with some level of self-confidence in accompanying the young boys and girls. And so far, 78 participants have gone through the Formation program at USFCN.
- Besides the above program, the Centre hosts other national short courses, seminars and retreats for Religious Priests and all other interested persons.
- In addition, the Centre provides accommodation and counseling services for people of all walks of life, like medical practitioners, married couples, mid-lifers, educationists, religious movements, university students, youth movements among others, who come for retreats, meetings and workshops.
- In addition, the Centre has become a place for spiritual, emotional and enrichment for the community around and far. Young, middle aged and old people come for counseling services.
- The Centre also provides quiet space for people who want to do private study, retreat and even rest from the noisy environment and be in touch with themselves. The Centre provides a safety and relaxation environment for the children who use the large compound for exercises, play and Sunday school instructions.
- In a word, USFCN is an oasis for all the people in need of spiritual, emotional, psychological and social needs for refreshment.